Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Book Club

During Christmas time, a few of my friends wanted to start a Book Club. I was a little leery to say the least. Don't get me wrong, I love books. I just on the other hand am an awful procrastinator and if a book doesn't grab my attention in the first few pages...well then I am sorry to say I probably won't be reading that book. Eventually some of the girls convinced me to participate. They said to try the first book and if I didn't think the book club was for me then I wouldn't have to do another book. Our first meeting is this Friday night. I am shocked to say I am excited! 

Over the past six weeks we were to read the book: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. We don't have any meetings in between the start and the finish of the book. It is up to each person how fast or slow they choose to read. Now those of you who really know me will not be surprised to learn I only started reading my book a week ago. :) I told you I am a procrastinator. Although I had very good intentions of being on top of the ball and try reading a little every night. I bought my book right away and would carry with me for the first few weeks, until I realized I should stop taking it with me since I was never reading it basically just carrying it and giving it a tour of my town.

I am about halfway through the book and I am loving it! I need to finish before Book Club on Friday because I want to know the ending so the others don't ruin it for me. The book has caught my attention and I can't put it down. The only reason I have not finished it yet is reading makes me sleepy and I tend to doze off while reading. The first night I started reading, I read around 80 pages. I was pretty proud of myself. 

Well I off to more reading. If you want to learn more about the book you can check out these two sites. 


AnnaMarie said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I have heard of this book, but haven't read it yet...I'll have to put it on my list!

Fiona said...

Linked to your blog from AnnaMarie's - this was my absolutely favorite book that I read all of last year! After a while, I really thought that I was reading about real people's lives instead of a fictional story! Glad that you are loving it too!


Beth said...

WOW...I'm in need of a good book!!!